Friday, July 30, 2010

My son shut his finger in the door and the nail is brown and puss is coming out of it.?

Obviously infected. Go see a doctor so that it doesn't spread. And keep it cleanMy son shut his finger in the door and the nail is brown and puss is coming out of it.?
the nail bed is most likely dieing and he definitely has an infection if there is puss. try a topical antibiotic. He will most likely lose the nail but it will grow back, granted you get rid of the infection. don't keep the area covered w/ a band-aid, bacteria thrives in warm, moist climates.My son shut his finger in the door and the nail is brown and puss is coming out of it.?
if its still throbbing , take a red hot needle and drill it through nail . this will release the pressure and relieve the pain . pour on some peroxide , cover with band aid . he will probably lose the nail , new one will completely be grown in by 3-4 months .
You should take your son to the doctor cause that is what moms do when kids slam there fingers in doors.
Take him to the doctor,or he might get staff...not fun!
Clean the site well and get him into the doctors. Infection can happen and he will need a tetanus shot.

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