About once a yearHow often do you clip you finger and toe nails?
I keep my nails pretty long. But I cut my toenails every two weeks.How often do you clip you finger and toe nails?
probably like once a week or maybe once every two weeks. i like to keep my nails short because they get germs if you dont cut them.
My Fingers I just file %26amp; keep them nice but my toe nails grow quick so I clip them 2 times a week
When they look too long.
whenever they get long enough too.
When ever there long! lol
my fingernails grows faster than my toenails, I clipped it almost every other day because it gets quite irritating when my nails grew too long. I prefer neat and short fingernails.
does chewing them count? Either way, whenever they start to annoy me.
I chew my fingernails; and I clip my toenails when my big toes make a hole in my socks.
whenever I need to, I would say once every week at least.
when ever i need to.
once a month
not often
depends on how fast your nails grow. I would recomend once a week to keep youself well groomed.
once in forth night,,,or when u can see dirts stuck n cling on your finger nails
every week
every week
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