Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Nail or staple through finger?

Ok, basically i was walking my dog and i picked up a stick to throw for him but it had alot of nails and what i think were staples i didn't realise untill i chucked it because it was dark and my finger started to hurt so i glanced at it and it was bleeding so i went home washed it and put antiseptic on it should it be ok?Nail or staple through finger?
It is a good idea to get a tetanus shot if yours is lapsed.

You may not need it, but it is cheap insurance against a nasty problem.Nail or staple through finger?
i think you should be fine. i would keep it clean and dressed and see how it goes.

if it starts to really hurt and become inflamed and maybe infected then i would suggest you see your doctor for possible antibiotics and maybe a tetanus.

good luck.
you'll be fine.

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