Sunday, August 22, 2010

What are those white marks under your finger nails from?

sweeta..that means that u need to eat more food rich in calcium..the white lines appear when u have a deficiency in ur calcium supply..What are those white marks under your finger nails from?
The white part of your fingernail (which is closer to your hand) is the part of the fingernail that has not fully solidified yet. It's pretty much ';new.'; Try pressing it with an eraser from a pencil and then press the outer edge of your fingernail. See how the white part that's new is more flexible under pressure?What are those white marks under your finger nails from?
calcium spots
It's a sign - lack of calcium and/or iron.

You need to drink lots of milk and eat more green veggies
Its kind of like bruising on the finger nail. If you ever bang your nail hard, look for a white spot.
i read in a palm reading book that spots on your nails could be signs of when tragic things happen. your nails can record what painful things has happened. but, i do agree with the person on the top, it could be calcium.

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