Sunday, August 22, 2010

What are finger nails made of?

PROTEIN BUDDY.What are finger nails made of?
Each digit, finger or toe, has a flat plate of keratinized epithelial cells on its dorsal surface known as a nail. Each nail arises from a nail root consisting of the normal layers of cells seen in skin. The outer layer, stratum corneum, forms the nail cuticle. The nail rests on a bed of epidermis that lacks a stratum corneum, called the nail bed. The nail bed serves only to support the nail as it grows outward from the nail matrix. Cells of the nail matrix divide, move outward and cornify to become the nail plate. The nail plate then slides forward over the nail bed. As the end of the plate extends beyond the nail bed it is filed, trimmed or worn away.What are finger nails made of?
The same thing our hair is made of, cells called keratin.
Fingernails are made of think bones in our body. They holds the muscle as the base and provides the cover for most of the sensitive nerverous system in our body.

Like finger nails our hairs are made up of waste/dead cells. So only when you cut your nails and hairs you are not feeling any pain. at the same time they have their roots in our Muscle.

Nails has a base(near the lower end of finger nails) and a center part and a tip. Center part is loosely coupled with muscle and the base is fully coupled with the flesh of our body. They grow very slowly and they are strong enough to protect you from minor shokes and accidents
some kid at my school said hair me and my friend still laugh at him to this day HA

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