Friday, August 20, 2010

Nail Polish. Does finger polish have to match toes.?

yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeessssssssssssssNail Polish. Does finger polish have to match toes.?
No ma'am.

once i had a bright blue on me tosies ond like black on my fingerlas.


and now i have blue tips on fingers and pinkk and redd on my toes!

and besides.. who cares what people think??

heck ur fingers dont even have to match ur fingers!! if ya knoiw what i mean.. lol


hope this helps and if not then i really suck at givin' advise!!! lol

but ya one time my frend had orange red and limee green on her toes and like red er sumthin on her hands... just have fun mixin' and a matchin!!!

i also did half pink half purple on all my fingers and had dark purple on my tootsies


lol now im just blabbin


have fun!!Nail Polish. Does finger polish have to match toes.?
I think it should-I think it looks better
No but I think it looks best if one of them (like fingernails) is a French or a neutral metallic (such as silver toenails with bright fingernails), or stay within the same color family - say you are wearing an icy pink on your nails, choose a cool-toned brighter pink for your toes. What looks bad to me is if you are wearing a cool color on one, say a cool pink on fingernails, and you have a warm color on toes like an orangey red. That just looks tacky.
absolutely. just make sure that both colors somewhat match or compliment your outfit. not everything has to be perfectly in sync but it shoulf flow together. good luck sweetie. just do whatever you like
not always :)
Girl, your socks don't even have to match. Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.
Mine doesn't match...

I usually put a brighter/more vivid color on my toes.
no i think it would be cute if u had french style on ur toes and a single color on ur hand.
Yes and no.

It would look bad if you had pink on your toes and red on your hands.

Here is when you can mix:

Anytime you have french you can have whatever color you want on the other.

Right now I have pink on toes and french on fingers.
of course not hun. but its cute when it does match.
Not always. It just depends on the look you are going for and the colors you have picked. And more importantly how YOU like your nails...
Nope. But if you're planning on doing two different colors, make sure they don't clash. For example, if you do a dark red on your fingers, and then decide to do a more orange-y red on your toes -- that would clash, stick to one shade of red. For spring and summer, a light pink or french manicure on fingers, and a cherry red on toes is a perfect example of how to mix and match nail polish colors. Hope this helped!
No way! I think it is weird when people do match it! I say make fingers mismatch if thats what you like. No one will judge you because everyone knows that everyone has a personal style. My personal style is to make them all different and bright colors! Im the cool girl at school that makes fashion statements and starts new trends! By the way, the new in thing is knee socks with stripes!! Hope this helps!
if u want it to it can but if u do not than dont
They don't have to... But I prefer mine to be the same. If I want different, I will do french on fingers and red or bright color on toes with a white flower or something. I am one of those girls that my shoes match my bag.... my bra has to match my panties.... Makeup matches what I am wearing....
no you can be creative for example right now i have blue toes with purple nails;)
no only if you want it to


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